FREE Virtual Mommy Sangha Meditation
Investment: FREE
Wednesdays, 1:00-1:30pm
Virtual Only
Come practice with your community!
Join Bec and the larger Mommy Sangha community for a guided support group for moms at any stage of motherhood!
Meetings include
10 minute meditation session (with meditation instruction for beginners)
A reading related to Buddhist spiritual teachings and motherhood
Time for an open discussion about whatever we are each working with and how we can find and support one another on the path of motherhood.
Mommy Sangha is an ongoing community first begun with the Open Heart Project, then lead by Jenna Hollenstein, and Om Births is thrilled to be taking up the mantle of hosting this dynamic group!
In partnership with OM Births.
Click this link: Livestream Classes at Om Births to register and confirm class is being held!