Spinning Babies® Baby Positioning Class
& Your Pelvic Floor

Investment: $189

Wednesdays, 6:00-9:00pm

What is Spinning Babies®?
Spinning Babies is for ALL bodies, babies and births. Spinning Babies that prioritizes ease and comfort in pregnancy, labor & birth. This active class is recommended for ANYONE, regardless if you are planning a home birth, hospital birth, or a planned cesarean.

Easier Birth with Fetal Positioning
Spinning Babies believes that fetal positions are not random, and that babies “fit” into space available. Birth anatomy can be flexible. Both the uterus and the pelvis have more available room when the muscles and other soft tissues are balanced.

Key Topics Include:

  • The three pillars of Spinning Babies: Balance, Movement & Gravity and how they apply to pregnancy and childbirth

  • Specific body movements and stretches meant to restore body balance, making pregnancy more comfortable

  • Learn the importance of pelvic mobility and how it affects pregnancy, labor and birth

  • Why “head down” only gives us a partial picture into baby’s position

  • The importance & impact of optimal positioning for birthing person & baby, and the small changes you can make in pregnancy to set yourself up for a simpler, more straightforward birth

  • The benefits of using physiology over force

  • How to determine your baby’s position through belly mapping

  • How to overcome common discomforts in pregnancy such as heartburn, lower back pain, pubic synthesis pain, sciatic pain, and round ligament pain. (Insider info: just because something is “common,” doesn’t make it '“normal.”)

  • Different pushing positions that protect your perineum and prioritize physiology and gravity.

Sarah Coombs from Rooted Pelvis will be joining us to share how connecting to your pelvic floor can help you push with confidence while protecting your perineum.

BONUS: You will get clear, descriptive handouts to pack into your hospital bag so you feel supported every step of the way.

WHEN: We highly recommend taking this class between 28–32 weeks (or anytime after 25 weeks) as a companion class to any of our Labor and Birth Preparation classes. Partners are strongly encouraged to attend. 

*Financial Assistance: Always available to community and MASS Health members. FSA/HSA available. Email info@beyondbirthingvillage.com We look forward to helping you!

Facilitated by:
Erin Ronder Neves, CD(DONA), SpBCPE
Sarah Coombs, OT, Owner of Rooted Pelvic Health & Wellness

Don’t see a date that works for you?
No problem! Email us at info@beyondbirthingvillage.com, and we will make a class for you!